Tuesday, June 15, 2010

IAMPETH Healey Collection Exhibit: The recap

A couple weeks ago, I posted about the Healey Exhibit that was brought to Kansas City by IAMPETH (The International Association of Penmen Engrossers Teachers of Penmanship). The show was amazing! The sheer volume of work featured was overwhelming, from decorative lettering samples and ornate certificates to teaching examples of business penmanship. Each piece was the original art so all the retouching was evident as well as stunningly delicate pen strokes. Many pieces were created at double size and then reduced for publication make the work even cleaner and more precise.

I took so many photos of the exhibition, that I am storing all the images on a separate site. I hope you enjoy the images. If anyone is interested in higher rez versions of any of the files, drop me an email and I will post them.

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