Monday, November 19, 2007

Illustrator: Laura Park

Laura Park, or as I know her from her Flickr Site, Featherbed, is one of those insanely prolific artists who seems to be operating on the fringe of the illustrative art scene. She lives in Chicago and many of her drawings and paintings use lots of very detailed lettering so I can't help but make a comparison to Chris Ware. She also has an ongoing (somewhat) autobiographical comic about a melancholy girl that only furthers comparison to Chris Ware. Throw in a little manga influence and a dash of Dame Darcy, and you have some idea of how deliciously sweet and sometimes sinister her work can be.

I contacted Laura about interviewing her for P+P and she promised that everything she would tell me would be fabrication to maintain an air of mystery.

Her bio on Tiny Showcase reads:

Laura Park really likes lemons, old photos of fire, tiny donkeys, molasses, primordial dwarves, bicycles, Chicago and kimchi. She hopes to one day own a Water Buffalo head.
I think that says it all.

[Find more tales about Laura on Drawn!]


Anonymous said...

man, her lettering is delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Jetsah said...

Laura's work is great. Nice to see people talking about her work!